I Wish I Could See Her Again in French


Subjunctive Mood. Wish/If Just

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Откройте скобки, используя глаголы в нужной форме:

i.    A:  I wish Paul ...would tell... (tell) me what is wrong with him.
    B: Yes. He seems very upset, doesn't he?

ii.    A:  I wish I …………………….(not/shout) at the children similar that.
    B: Why? They were beingness very naughty.

iii.    A:  I wish yous ……………. (tidy) your room more than often.
    B: Sorry. I'll endeavour to.

four.    A: I wish I …………………… (do) harder earlier the concert.
    B:  I thought you performed very well.

5.    A:  If only Stuart ……………………………….. (call) me.
    B: Don't worry. I'm sure he'll phone soon.

half-dozen.    A:  I wish I  …………………….. (exist) dorsum at school again.
    B: Those were great days, weren't they?

7.    A:  I wish Mark ………………………. (finish) playing his music so loudly.
    B: Why don't y'all inquire him to turn it down?

8.    A:  If but I ……………………… (buy) those shoes we saw today.
    B: Why not get back and buy them tomorrow?

ix.    A:  I wish y'all ………………………. (try) harder with your Maths homework.
    B: Sorry. I notice information technology very difficult.

x          A:  If only we ………………………… (go) to France concluding summer.
    B: We could go this yr if you like.

eleven.    A:  I wish I ………………………… ( can afford) some new CDs
    B: Would you similar to infringe some of mine?

12    A:  If just it ………………………………. (stop) raining.
    B: Yes. So we could become for a walk.

13.    A: Are yous going to Joanne'south party on Saturday?
    B: No. I wish I ……………………….. (get), because I'grand sure it will be fun.

xiv.    A:  I wish y'all ……………………. (help) with the housework more oft.
    B: What would you like me to practise?

15    A: I'one thousand bored. I wish I ………………………….    (arrange) to go out tonight.
    B: I'one thousand going to the cinema. Why don't you come, likewise?

Ответы к упражнению:

  1. would tell
  2. had non shouted
  3. would tidy
  4. had practised
  5. called
  6. were
  7. would stop
  8. had bought
  9. tried/would attempt
  10. had gone
  11. could afford
  12. stopped
  13. went/were going/could get
  14. would help
  15. had arranged

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Source: http://engmaster.ru/exer/2714-res

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