How Many Babies Will I Have According to Astrology

How Many Babies Will I Have According to Astrology?

When information technology comes to growing a family, there's no right or wrong decision on how many kids you desire — as long every bit it feels right. And so you might want a huge firm full of kids roaming effectually or maybe just one child to get all your attention and affection . . . either way, your habitation will exist filled with love (and maybe a temper tantrum or two).

Different variables can come up into play when deciding on a number of kids, like how many kids your partner wants, or how y'all grew up (if yous grew upwards with lots of siblings, you lot might lean more toward a larger family unit, for instance). Simply you might also be drawn to a certain number based on your zodiac sign. Since signs differ in their parenting styles and personalities, you might be more or less probable to desire to have children based on how much you value your liberty, the importance of family, and nurturing qualities.

Curious how your sign might bear on the size of your family? Here'due south a ranking of how many kids each sign might desire from virtually to least kids, past astrologer Skye Alexander, writer of Magickal Astrology.


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