A New Mother Changes Her Baby's Diaper 6 Times a Day

Photo illustration of baby getting diaper changed

Verywell / Photo Analogy by Ellen Linder / Getty Images

Many new moms accept questions about their babe'due south urination pattern. Y'all may be wondering how many wet diapers your babe should take each day, what color baby's urine should be, and what you should be checking for at each diaper alter. Hither you notice information and guidelines for what's normal and what's non.

Moisture Diapers in the Start Week of Life

Breastfeeding moms are often more concerned nearly wet diapers than moms who bottle-feed. It's easier to tell that the baby is getting enough to eat when y'all're giving a canteen. When y'all're breastfeeding, however, it can be a little more difficult—especially in the start few days while your supply of chest milk is increasing.

Counting wet diapers is a slap-up way to help y'all feel more confident that your baby is getting what they need. Here'southward how many wet diapers to expect during the commencement week for babies who breastfeed and those who take a bottle.

Breastfed Infants

The number of moisture (urine) diapers a breastfed babe has each mean solar day changes during the first week of life. During the start few days, your newborn may not receive much breast milk and then they won't take many wet diapers. Then, as the days continue and your supply of chest milk increases, your baby volition produce more than urine and accept more moisture diapers.

Here's what to expect:

  • Day 1: A newborn baby will pass urine for the first time within 12 to 24 hours of birth. During the early hours and days of life, an exclusively breastfed infant may non accept many wet diapers.
  • Day ii: You should await for at least 2 wet diapers a solar day until your breasts brainstorm to fill up with milk by the third or fourth day postpartum; as your milk supply increases, so will the wet diapers.
  • Days 3–5: Your babe should have at least 3 to five wet diapers.
  • Twenty-four hour period 6 and on: Your babe should be having at least six to viii wet diapers every 24 hours but may have more; some babies take a wet diaper at every feeding.

Bottle-Fed Infants

Even if you bottle-feed, your babe may non accept much formula or pumped breast milk during the first day or two afterward birth. The amount of urine that your newborn produces is directly related to the amount of fluid they take in.

If your baby is a great eater and takes 2 ounces of formula every three hours correct from the beginning, you will meet more than wet diapers. Merely, if your newborn is sleepy or non taking in much fluid during the start day or so, they'll have less wet diapers.

Here is a general guide:

  • Day 1: Your baby should have their first moisture diaper by the time they are 12 to 24 hours old.
  • Day 2: You should wait for at least ii wet diapers a day.
  • Days 3–v: Baby should have at least three to five moisture diapers.
  • Day 6 and on: You lot should wait at to the lowest degree six to 8 wet diapers a solar day.

Urination After the Beginning Calendar week

Whether you're bottle-feeding or breastfeeding, your newborn should exist settling into a feeding pattern and eating well by the 2d week of life. You should run into at least six to eight moisture diapers each twenty-four hours, merely your kid could have upward to 10 or more.

A newborn's little bladder holds about one tablespoon (fifteen mL) of urine, and so they may empty it very oft. Some newborns will pee upwardly to 20 times in 24 hours, and that'south OK. If your baby is sleeping, you don't have to wake them up to change a diaper. A change earlier or later each feeding, approximately every two to iii hours, is fine.

How to Check a Diaper for Wetness

Since newborns only make a modest corporeality of urine and disposable diapers are very absorbent, it tin can be hard to tell if the diapers are wet and your infant is peeing plenty. Then, here are some means to make sure your child is wetting the diaper:

  • Afterwards you change your baby, take the diaper apart to check the under layers or gel material for moisture. It'due south OK to touch on and smell the diaper to check for urine.
  • Identify ane tissue into your baby's diaper to absorb the urine and make it easier to see.
  • Pour 1 ounce (2 tablespoons, 30 milliliters) of h2o into a clean, dry diaper. It will requite you a better idea of how a wet diaper looks and feels.
  • Endeavour cloth diapers. You may find it easier to see and feel the wetness in a cloth diaper than in a dispensable diaper.
  • Effort disposable diapers with a wetness indicator, which is a line or blueprint that changes color when urine is nowadays.

The Colour of Newborn Urine

Your baby'due south urine should exist colorless or light yellow. Even so, if you're breastfeeding, yous may detect some slight color changes one time in a while. Sure foods, food dyes, herbs, and vitamin supplements that you add to your everyday nutrition could change the color of your breast milk also as add a tint of dark-green, pink, or orange to your newborn's urine.

Full-bodied Urine

Concentrated urine is very dark yellow. Information technology may also accept a strong smell. Later on your milk comes in, a diaper with concentrated urine at present so is OK. Still, if your baby has many diapers with very dark yellow urine, call the doctor.

Brick Grit Urine

Very concentrated urine during the get-go few days of life tin contain urate crystals (uric acid crystals). These urate crystals tin can cause a pink, red, or orange-colored, powdery stain in your baby'southward diaper chosen brick dust. It might be scary, but brick grit is normal for many newborns. Concentrated urine and brick grit should get abroad by the fifth or 6th twenty-four hours when you're making more breast milk.

Blood in the Diaper

Both boys and girls can have a fiddling blood in their diaper, simply for different reasons. Here are two reasons yous may detect blood that aren't serious:

  • Pseudomenstruation: Babe girls may have claret-tinged vaginal discharge during the showtime few days of life. It'due south called pseudomenstruation, or false flow. Information technology is from the hormones in your babe'south body, and it's non harmful.
  • Circumcision: Infant boys may take a small amount of blood in their diapers later on a circumcision. The bleeding from a circumcision usually lasts for a few hours, but you may notice modest spots of blood in the diaper for up to a day. After the circumcision, your baby should have a wet diaper within 12 hours.

When to Call Your Babe'due south Doctor

When your baby is getting plenty fluids, they will have at least six to 8 wet diapers a day. Simply, if your baby is not getting enough, they tin can get dehydrated. Dehydration in newborns and young infants is dangerous.

The doctor will check your child's health and talk to you about how much and how often your baby is eating.

Notify the doctor if:

  • The baby has fewer than six wet diapers each day after day v.
  • The baby is only making a small amount of very dark yellow, concentrated, smelly urine after solar day four.
  • The baby is unusually sleepy and difficult to wake.
  • The babe'south mouth and lips are dry out.
  • The soft spot on top of the baby'south caput is sinking down into their head.
  • Your infant is non feeding well.
  • Y'all see brick dust stains in your newborn's diaper afterward the 4th day of life.

When a Newborn Is Not Urinating

Your child should have at least two moisture diapers during the outset few days when you're only making colostrum. But, by the time your baby is six days onetime, they should have at least half dozen wet diapers a twenty-four hours. If your child is not making enough urine or has no urine at all, call the doctor immediately.

Blood in Newborn Urine

While a piffling blood in your infant'southward diaper from circumcision or pseudomenstruation is OK, blood in your baby'due south urine is non. If you meet any blood in your little 1'southward urine or your child is crying and showing signs of painful urination, contact your babe'south doctor right away.

Signs of a Urinary Tract Infection

If bacteria gets into the babe'south urinary tract, it tin cause an infection. A urinary tract infection (UTI) can alter the amount, colour, or aroma of your baby'south urine.

These are some means to prevent a UTI:

  • Change your infant's diaper often especially later on bowel movements.
  • Clean your baby'south diaper surface area from front to back.
  • Make sure your baby is getting enough breastmilk or formula.
  • Wash your hands earlier and later changing your baby.

It tin can be difficult to detect a UTI in babies, but the symptoms to lookout man for include:

  • Blood in the urine
  • Fever
  • Frequent urination
  • Hurting when peeing
  • Smelly urine

If you meet these signs of a UTI, yous should call your baby'southward doctor for treatment.

A Word From Verywell

Babies are all dissimilar. Some breastfeed, and others take a bottle. Some are alert and eat well from the kickoff feeding, and others are sleepy for a few hours or days. These are some of the reasons at that place'southward a broad range of normal when it comes to newborn urination.

By understanding the guidelines and monitoring your baby'southward moisture diapers, it can help you feel more confident that your baby is making plenty urine and getting enough fluids. Of class, if you lot have any questions nearly the corporeality, color, or frequency of your baby's urination, yous should telephone call the doctor. The staff at your md'southward office is there to help.

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  1. Kent JC, Gardner H, Geddes DT. Breastmilk production in the starting time 4 weeks after birth of term infants.Nutrients. 2016;eight(12):756. doi:ten.3390/nu8120756

  2. Nommsen-rivers LA, Heinig MJ, Cohen RJ, Dewey KG. Newborn wet and soiled diaper counts and timing of onset of lactation every bit indicators of breastfeeding inadequacy. J Hum Lact. 2008;24(1):27-33. doi:10.1177/0890334407311538

  3. Langan, RC. Discharge procedures for healthy newborns. American Family Physician. 2006;73(v):849-852.

  4. Guerra Fifty, Leonard M, Castagnetti M. All-time practice in the assessment of bladder part in infants.Ther Adv Urol. 2014;6(four):148–164. doi:10.1177/1756287214528745

  5. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. How much and how often to breastfeed.

  6. National Institute of Child Health and Human Evolution. What are some of the nuts of infant wellness?

  7. Joseph C, Gattineni J. Proteinuria and hematuria in the neonate.Curr Opin Pediatr. 2016;28(two):202–208. doi:10.1097/MOP.0000000000000323

  8. Sugar NF, Graham EA. Common gynecologic problems in prepubertal girls. Pediatr Rev. 2006;27(half-dozen):213-23. doi:10.1542/pir.27-6-213

  9. Dehydration and diarrhea.Paediatr Child Health. 2003;8(vii):459–468. doi:x.1093/pch/8.7.459

  10. Robinson JL, Finlay JC, Lang ME, Bortolussi R; Canadian Paediatric Guild, Infectious Diseases and Immunization Commission, Community Paediatrics Committee. Urinary tract infections in infants and children: Diagnosis and management.Paediatr Child Wellness. 2014;19(6):315–325. doi:ten.1093/pch/19.vi.315

Additional Reading

  • Arshad M, Seed PC. Urinary tract infections in the baby. Clinics in Perinatology. 2015;42(1):17-28.

  • Lawrence, Ruth A., MD, Lawrence, Robert Grand., MD. Breastfeeding: A Guide For The Medical Profession Eighth Edition. Elsevier Health Sciences.

  • Riordan, J., and Wambach, K. Breastfeeding and Human Lactation 4th Edition. Jones and Bartlett Learning.

  • Konar H. DC Dutta's Textbook of Obstetrics. JP Medical Ltd; 2014 April 30.


Source: https://www.verywellfamily.com/breastfeeding-and-wet-diapers-whats-normal-431621

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