Do Enfj S Leave Relationships Then Come Back in the Future

ENFJ personality type

An ENFJ at a glance

Realizing dreams, their own and those of others, is what life is all about for an ENFJ. They are outgoing, enthusiastic, articulate, empathetic, decisive and above all, passionate about life! ENFJs are productive and organized people that are very energetic. They are usually very good at anything that captures ones imagination and interest.

  • Jung personality test

Because their self-confidence and enthusiasm is contagious, people enjoy being around an ENFJ. They love their straight-forward approach, directness and drive to get things done. An ENFJ has the ability to juggle several thoughts and projects at the same time.

They get a kick from their current achievements and are excited about the possibilities of the future.

ENFJ workstyle and contributions to an organization

Each personality type has a different set of skills, talents and attributes that they bring to an organization, group or relationship. Here is a list of those most commonly associated with personality types like ENFJ.

  • Brings energy, warmth, enthusiasm, fun and cooperation to tasks.
  • Seeks to be fair and ethical.
  • Shines under appreciation - the greater the appreciation, the greater the dedication to an organization.

An ENFJ on a team

Some people work well on teams, others work best on their own. Understanding the personality types of team members provides information about how individuals are likely to carry out their work and interact with each other. Given the personality preferences of an ENFJ, the following are the strengths (and possible weaknesses!) they will most likely bring to a team:

  • Is a natural leader and facilitator.
  • Brings structure and organization to the group along with humor and sensitivity.
  • Develops plans with the project's value or ideal in mind, then supplies the energy required to complete it.

ENFJ leadership style

Each personality type has its own leadership style, strengths and blind spots. The following highlights an ENFJ approach to leadership, provides clues as to how an ENFJ will act in a leader role, and pinpoints some of the leadership qualities.

  • Is a facilitator, not an autocrat.
  • Inspires and persuades others through his/her personal convictions and passion.
  • Demands consistency between organizational goals, actions and values.

Communications style

Effective communication is composed of two elements: how well you listen, and how you express yourself. Good communication skills are at the heart of success. Being aware of how we communicate, how others communicate and how we prefer others to communicate with us, is a significant step in achieving this objective. Your personality style has its own communication strategies that are more effective for you than other's communication styles.

  • Speaks with energy and excitement.
  • Replies quickly and thinks on his/her feet.
  • Prefers talking in person, rather than communicating through written reports.

Problem solving

Different people solve problems in different ways. Based on the ENFJ personality type, ENFJ's will probably use the following methods and skills in problem solving:

  • Immediately looks for the potential in a situation.
  • Collects input and feedback from others.
  • Concentrates on the group's interests and ways that will uphold the organization's values.

Stress Profile

Stress plays a significant factor in our abilities to be effective at work and have healthy sustainable relationships. The greater the stress, the harder it becomes to maintain quality work and quality relationships. Each personality type has strengths and blind spots. Under stress, blind spots emerge and people rely on their least favourite functions to operate.

Stress triggers
  • Feeling misunderstood, distrusted, undervalued, or not taken seriously and not having the opportunity to discuss an issue to get it resolved.
  • Feeling pressed to conform to a popular view they find distasteful.
  • Having too many demands upon them.
Stress profile characteristics
  • Optimism and enthusiasm turns into seclusion, inertia and dejection.
  • Can seem depressed, feeling vulnerable and unworthy.
  • Tends to actually feel numb inside, seeing only a bleak future.


People are usually most effective when their environment matches their preferences and work style. When a good match is not present, it will be more difficult to achieve results. Below are some of the ENFJ's work preferences and key characteristics that ENFJ's look for in work, or try to avoid. These key characteristics also indicate how an ENFJ would typically like to be managed or related to.

  • Prefers working in a people-oriented environment that is supportive, organized and where a spirit of harmony prevails.
  • Is bored by purely task-oriented jobs.
  • Is frustrated when he/she feels left out of the lines of communication.

ENFJ Learning style

For many years it has been known that different personality types have different ways of learning. Knowing how a person learns is a big advantage for structuring on-the-job training or classroom instruction. The ENFJ learning style is as follows:

  • Learns best when he/she understands how the material is connected to helping people and their lives - a Periodic Chart without "meaning" is a Periodic Chart that leaves an ENFJ cold.
  • Performs best in a structured learning environment and likes completing tasks.
  • Feels interaction with others and talk about the lesson are very important.

Opportunities for Growth

As we grow and mature, it is important to pull back from our favourite ways of doing things and build skills in the areas of our least favourite preferences. We thereby become a more balanced and versatile individual. The following suggestions address some of the ENFJ more obvious blind spots and are areas to pay attention to.

  • Let go of some control; sometimes you are seen as too "bossy."
  • Consider loyalties carefully - avoid becoming blindly loyal to a group, project or cause that is unworthy of your dedication and passion.
  • Realize that others might not follow through with their commitments - not everyone shares your devotion.

ENFJ: Extravert-iNtuitive-Feeler-Judger

  • Jung type ENFJ

  • Extraverts are outgoing, energetic and action-oriented. They are enthusiastic and expressive
  • iNtuitives pay more attention to information that is imaginative and original. iNtuitives focus on the future.
  • Feelers let their feelings and emotions play a leading role because of their concern for other people.
  • Judgers prefer a lifestyle that is decisive, planned and orderly. They like a life that is organized and controlled.

Jung personality types

There are sixteen Jung personality types.Take a freeJung personality test or learn more about theJung typology.

  • ISTJ personality type
  • ISTP personality type
  • ISFJ personality type
  • ISFP personality type
  • INTJ personality type
  • INTP personality type
  • INFJ personality type
  • INFP personality type
  • ESTP personality type
  • ESTJ personality type
  • ESFP personality type
  • ESFJ personality type
  • ENTJ personality type
  • ENTP personality type
  • ENFJ personality type
  • ENFP personality type

Do Enfj S Leave Relationships Then Come Back in the Future


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